In this posting, I respond to my classmate Darlene Ohabughiro’s blog entitled “2012 Presidential Elections…… Ha!”
I agree with Darlene that the idea of Michelle Bachman as president is an absurd notion. But what's scary is that she might actually have a shot. She has an educated team of advisors and financial backers who seem to think so. But then again, most of the 2012 Republican nominees scare me.
Obviously there’s Bachman who, in addition to being openly hateful of homosexuals, denies the possibility of global warming. But moreover there’s Ron Paul, who wants to legalize drugs, return America to a gold standard, and abolish FEMA. There’s former Alaska governor, Sara Palin, who despite her opposition to nationalized health care, admits that she and her family would “hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada. And I think now, isn't that ironic?” To say nothing of Jimmy McMillan, founder of the Rent is to Damn High Party, who favors equal rent regardless of propert value.
As far as Republican candidates go, Fred Karger (who probably has the least chance of success) is clearly the most sane.
I agree with Darlene’s sentiment that the 2012 elections are sure to be a spectacle whoever wins the GOP. Or maybe debacle is the word for it.
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